

300項急性過敏原檢測 IgE ALEX2® 過敏測試

新一代過敏原檢測 同時檢測300項急性過敏原與分子組成


最大IgE 測試平台



是目前全球最大的IgE 分子過敏測試平台! 讓你真正了解致敏原因,改善過敏狀況問題。

  • 皮膚反應:可能出現皮膚紅腫、發癢、皮疹或蕁麻疹、濕疹、異位性皮膚炎等皮膚反應。
  • 呼吸道症狀:這可能包括流鼻涕、鼻塞、打噴嚏、咳嗽、哮喘發作(特別是在暴露於花粉、塵蟎等過敏原時),以及喉嚨癢或喉嚨緊縮感。
  • 眼睛症狀:眼睛可能出現紅腫、發癢、灼熱感,並分泌多量的淚液。這種情況通常被稱為過敏性結膜炎。
  • 腸胃症狀:腹痛、腹瀉、噁心、嘔吐等腸胃道反應也可能是過敏的症狀之一,尤其是在食物過敏的情況下。
  • 全身反應:有時候,過敏反應可能不僅僅局限於特定部位,而是影響到整個身體,導致身體感到疲倦、頭痛、肌肉痛等全身不適的感覺。
  • 嚴重過敏反應:在某些情況下,過敏反應可能非常嚴重,甚至危及生命,這種情況被稱為過敏性休克。症狀可能包括呼吸急促、心跳加速、血壓下降,甚至失去意識。







IgE 抗原大分類IgE 抗原 Common NameIgE 抗原 Allergen
Grass Pollen 草花粉Bermuda grass 狗牙根草Cyn d
Grass Pollen 草花粉Bermuda grass 狗牙根草Cyn d 1
Grass Pollen 草花粉Perennial ryegrass 黑麥草Lol p 1
Grass Pollen 草花粉Bahia grass 百喜草Pas n
Grass Pollen 草花粉Timothy grass 梯牧草Phl p 1
Grass Pollen 草花粉Timothy grass 梯牧草Phl p 2
Grass Pollen 草花粉Timothy grass 梯牧草Phl p 5.0101
Grass Pollen 草花粉Timothy grass 梯牧草Phl p 6
Grass Pollen 草花粉Timothy grass 梯牧草Phl p 7
Grass Pollen 草花粉Timothy grass 梯牧草Phl p 12
Grass Pollen 草花粉Common reed 蘆葦Phr c
Grass Pollen 草花粉Cultivated rye, Pollen 黑麥Sec c_pollen
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Pigweed 反枝莧Ama r
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Ragweed 豚草Amb a
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Ragweed 豚草Amb a 1
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Ragweed 豚草Amb a 4
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Mugwort 艾蒿Art v
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Mugwort 艾蒿Art v 1
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Mugwort 艾蒿Art v 3
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Hemp 漢麻Can s
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Hemp 漢麻Can s 3
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Lamb's quarter 藜Che a
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Lamb's quarter 藜Che a 1
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Annual mercury 法國山靛Mer a 1
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Wall pellitory 牆草Par j
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Wall pellitory 牆草Par j 2
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Ribwort 長葉車前草Pla l
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Ribwort 長葉車前草Pla l 1
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Russian thistle 俄國薊Sal k
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Russian thistle 俄國薊Sal k 1
Weed Pollen 雜草花粉Nettle 蕁麻Urt d
Tree pollen 樹花粉Acacia 金合歡屬Aca m
Tree pollen 樹花粉Alder 榿木Aln g 1
Tree pollen 樹花粉Alder 榿木Aln g 4
Tree pollen 樹花粉Silver birch白樺樹Bet v 1
Tree pollen 樹花粉Silver birch白樺樹Bet v 2
Tree pollen 樹花粉Silver birch白樺樹Bet v 6
Tree pollen 樹花粉Hazel 榛樹Cor a_pollen
Tree pollen 樹花粉Hazel 榛樹Cor a 1.0103
Tree pollen 樹花粉Sugi 日本柳杉Cry j 1
Tree pollen 樹花粉Arizona cypress 亞利桑那柏樹Cup a 1
Tree pollen 樹花粉Cypress 柏樹Cup s
Tree pollen 樹花粉Beech 山毛櫸Fag s 1
Tree pollen 樹花粉Ash 梣樹Fra e
Tree pollen 樹花粉Ash 梣樹Fra e 1
Tree pollen 樹花粉Walnut pollen 核桃樹Jug r_pollen
Tree pollen 樹花粉Mountain cedar 雪松Jun a
Tree pollen 樹花粉Mulberry tree 桑樹Mor r
Tree pollen 樹花粉Olive pollen 橄欖樹Ole e 1
Tree pollen 樹花粉Olive pollen 橄欖樹Ole e 7
Tree pollen 樹花粉Olive pollen 橄欖樹Ole e 9
Tree pollen 樹花粉Date palm 椰棗樹Pho d 2
Tree pollen 樹花粉Cottonwood 白楊Pop n
Tree pollen 樹花粉London plane tree 懸鈴木Pla a 1
Tree pollen 樹花粉London plane tree 懸鈴木Pla a 2
Tree pollen 樹花粉London plane tree 懸鈴木Pla a 3
Tree pollen 樹花粉Paper mulberry 構樹Bro pa
Tree pollen 樹花粉Tree of heaven 臭椿Ail a
Tree pollen 樹花粉Elm 榆樹Ulm c
House Dust Mites 家塵蟎Dermatophagoides farinae 粉塵蟎Der f 1
House Dust Mites 家塵蟎Dermatophagoides farinae 粉塵蟎Der f 2
House Dust Mites 家塵蟎Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 屋塵蟎Der p 1
House Dust Mites 家塵蟎Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 屋塵蟎Der p 2
House Dust Mites 家塵蟎Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 屋塵蟎Der p 5
House Dust Mites 家塵蟎Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 屋塵蟎Der p 7
House Dust Mites 家塵蟎Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 屋塵蟎Der p 10
House Dust Mites 家塵蟎Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 屋塵蟎Der p 11
House Dust Mites 家塵蟎Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 屋塵蟎Der p 20
House Dust Mites 家塵蟎Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 屋塵蟎Der p 21
House Dust Mites 家塵蟎Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 屋塵蟎Der p 23
Storage Mites 倉儲蟎Acarus siro 粗足粉蟎Aca s
Storage Mites 倉儲蟎Blomia tropicalis熱帶無爪蟎Blo t 5
Storage Mites 倉儲蟎Blomia tropicalis熱帶無爪蟎Blo t 10
Storage Mites 倉儲蟎Blomia tropicalis熱帶無爪蟎Blo t 21
Storage Mites 倉儲蟎Glycyphagus domesticus 家甜食蟎Gly d 2
Storage Mites 倉儲蟎Lepidoglyphus destructor 食鱗蟎Lep d 2
Storage Mites 倉儲蟎Tyrophagus putrescentiae 腐食酪蟎Tyr p
Storage Mites 倉儲蟎Tyrophagus putrescentiae 腐食酪蟎Tyr p 2
Yeast 酵母Malassezia sympodialis皮屑芽孢菌Mala s 5
Yeast 酵母Malassezia sympodialis皮屑芽孢菌Mala s 6
Yeast 酵母Malassezia sympodialis皮屑芽孢菌Mala s 11
Yeast 酵母Sacccaromyces cerevisiae 啤酒酵母Sac c
Moulds 真菌Alternaria alternata 交錯黴菌Alt a 1
Moulds 真菌Alternaria alternata 交錯黴菌Alt a 6
Moulds 真菌Aspergillus fumigatus 煙麴黴菌Asp f 1
Moulds 真菌Aspergillus fumigatus 煙麴黴菌Asp f 3
Moulds 真菌Aspergillus fumigatus 煙麴黴菌Asp f 4
Moulds 真菌Aspergillus fumigatus 煙麴黴菌Asp f 6
Moulds 真菌Cladosporium herbarum 草葉枝孢菌Cla h
Moulds 真菌Cladosporium herbarum 草葉枝孢菌Cla h 8
Moulds 真菌Penicillium chrysogenum 產黃青黴菌Pen ch
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Dog epithelium狗毛屑Can f_Fd1
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Dog epithelium狗毛屑Can f 1
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Dog epithelium狗毛屑Can f 2
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Dog epithelium狗毛屑Can f 3
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Dog epithelium狗毛屑Can f 4
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Dog epithelium狗毛屑Can f 5
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Dog epithelium 狗毛屑Can f 6
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Guinea pig epithelium 豚鼠毛屑Cav p 1
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Djungarian hamster epithelium 短尾侏儒倉鼠毛屑Phod s 1
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Goldhamster epithelium 金倉鼠毛屑Mes a 1
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Cat epithelium 貓毛屑Fel d 1
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Cat epithelium 貓毛屑Fel d 2
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Cat epithelium 貓毛屑Fel d 4
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Cat epithelium 貓毛屑Fel d 7
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Mouse epithelium 小鼠毛屑Mus m 1
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Rabbit epithelium 兔毛屑Ory c 1
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Rabbit epithelium 兔毛屑Ory c 2
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Rabbit epithelium 兔毛屑Ory c 3
Pet Epithelia 寵物毛皮屑Rat epithelium 大鼠毛屑Rat n
Farm Animal Epithelia 經濟動物毛皮屑Cattle epithelium 牛毛屑Bos d 2
Farm Animal Epithelia 經濟動物毛皮屑Goat epithelium 山羊毛屑Cap h_epithelia
Farm Animal Epithelia 經濟動物毛皮屑Horse epithelium 馬毛屑Equ c 1
Farm Animal Epithelia 經濟動物毛皮屑Horse epithelium 馬毛屑Equ c 3
Farm Animal Epithelia 經濟動物毛皮屑Horse epithelium 馬毛屑Equ c 4
Farm Animal Epithelia 經濟動物毛皮屑Sheep epithelium 羊毛屑Ovi a_epithelia
Farm Animal Epithelia 經濟動物毛皮屑Pig epithelium 豬毛屑Sus d_epithelia
Legumes 豆類Peanut 花生Ara h 1
Legumes 豆類Peanut 花生Ara h 2
Legumes 豆類Peanut 花生Ara h 3
Legumes 豆類Peanut 花生Ara h 6
Legumes 豆類Peanut 花生Ara h 8
Legumes 豆類Peanut 花生Ara h 9
Legumes 豆類Peanut 花生Ara h 15
Legumes 豆類Chickpea 鷹嘴豆Cic a
Legumes 豆類Soy 大豆Gly m 4
Legumes 豆類Soy 大豆Gly m 5
Legumes 豆類Soy 大豆Gly m 6
Legumes 豆類Soy 大豆Gly m 8
Legumes 豆類Lentil 扁豆Len c
Legumes 豆類White/Green bean 四季豆Pha v
Legumes 豆類Pea 豌豆Pis s
Cereals 穀物Oat 燕麥Ave s
Cereals 穀物Quinoa 藜麥Che q
Cereals 穀物Buckwheat 蕎麥Fag e
Cereals 穀物Buckwheat 蕎麥Fag e 2
Cereals 穀物Barley 大麥Hor v
Cereals 穀物Lupine seed 羽扇豆Lup a
Cereals 穀物Rice 米Ory s
Cereals 穀物Millet 雜穀Pan m
Cereals 穀物Cultivated rye 黑麥Sec c_flour
Cereals 穀物Wheat 小麥Tri a 14
Cereals 穀物Wheat 小麥Tri a 19
Cereals 穀物Wheat 小麥Tri a aA_TI
Cereals 穀物Spelt 古麥Tri s
Cereals 穀物Corn 玉米Zea m
Cereals 穀物Corn 玉米Zea m 14
Nuts 堅果Cashew 腰果Ana o
Nuts 堅果Cashew 腰果Ana o 2
Nuts 堅果Cashew 腰果Ana o 3
Nuts 堅果Brazil Nut 巴西堅果Ber e
Nuts 堅果Brazil Nut 巴西堅果Ber e 1
Nuts 堅果Pecan 胡桃Car i
Nuts 堅果Hazelnut 榛果Cor a 1.0401
Nuts 堅果Hazelnut 榛果Cor a 8
Nuts 堅果Hazelnut 榛果Cor a 9
Nuts 堅果Hazelnut 榛果Cor a 11
Nuts 堅果Hazelnut 榛果Cor a 12
Nuts 堅果Hazelnut 榛果Cor a 14
Nuts 堅果Walnut 核桃Jug r 1
Nuts 堅果Walnut 核桃Jug r 2
Nuts 堅果Walnut 核桃Jug r 3
Nuts 堅果Walnut 核桃Jug r 4
Nuts 堅果Walnut 核桃Jug r 6
Nuts 堅果Macadamia 夏威夷豆Mac inte
Nuts 堅果Macadamia 夏威夷豆Mac i 2S Albumin
Nuts 堅果Pistachio 開心果Pis v 1
Nuts 堅果Pistachio 開心果Pis v 2
Nuts 堅果Pistachio 開心果Pis v 3
Nuts 堅果Pistachio 開心果Pis v 4
Nuts 堅果Almond 杏仁Pru du
Seeds 種子Pumpkin seed 南瓜籽Cuc p
Seeds 種子Sunflower seed 葵花籽Hel a
Seeds 種子Poppy seed 罌粟Pap s
Seeds 種子Poppy seed 罌粟Pap s 2S Albumin
Seeds 種子Sesame 芝麻Ses i
Seeds 種子Sesame 芝麻Ses i 1
Seeds 種子Fenugreek seed 雲香草Tri fo
Milk 奶類Cow's milk 牛奶Bos d_milk
Milk 奶類Cow's milk 牛奶 α-乳清白蛋白Bos d 4
Milk 奶類Cow's milk 牛奶 β-乳清球蛋白Bos d 5
Milk 奶類Cow's milk 牛奶酪蛋白Bos d 8
Milk 奶類Camel's milk 駱駝奶Cam d
Milk 奶類Goat's milk 山羊奶Cap h_milk
Milk 奶類Horse milk 馬奶Equ c_milk
Milk 奶類Sheep's milk 羊奶Ovi a_milk
Egg 雞蛋Egg white 蛋白Gal d_white
Egg 雞蛋Egg yolk 蛋黃Gal d_yolk
Egg 雞蛋Egg white 蛋白卵粘蛋白Gal d 1
Egg 雞蛋Egg white 蛋白卵清蛋白Gal d 2
Egg 雞蛋Egg white 蛋白卵轉鐵蛋白Gal d 3
Egg 雞蛋Egg white 蛋白溶菌酶 CGal d 4
Egg 雞蛋Egg yolk 蛋黃白蛋白Gal d 5
Fish Parasite 魚類寄生蟲Anisakis simplex 海獸胃線蟲Ani s 1
Fish Parasite 魚類寄生蟲Anisakis simplex 海獸胃線蟲Ani s 3
Shrimp, Crab and Shellfish 蝦、蟹、貝類Crab 蟹Chi spp.
Shrimp, Crab and Shellfish 蝦、蟹、貝類Brown shrimp 褐蝦Cra c 6
Shrimp, Crab and Shellfish 蝦、蟹、貝類Lobster 龍蝦Hom g
Shrimp, Crab and Shellfish 蝦、蟹、貝類Shrimp 蝦Lit s
Shrimp, Crab and Shellfish 蝦、蟹、貝類Squid 魷魚Lol spp.
Shrimp, Crab and Shellfish 蝦、蟹、貝類Common mussel 淡菜Myt e
Shrimp, Crab and Shellfish 蝦、蟹、貝類Oyster 牡蠣Ost e
Shrimp, Crab and Shellfish 蝦、蟹、貝類Northern prawn 北極蝦Pan b
Shrimp, Crab and Shellfish 蝦、蟹、貝類Scallop 扇貝Pec spp.
Shrimp, Crab and Shellfish 蝦、蟹、貝類Black tiger shrimp 草蝦Pen m 1
Shrimp, Crab and Shellfish 蝦、蟹、貝類Black tiger shrimp 草蝦Pen m 2
Shrimp, Crab and Shellfish 蝦、蟹、貝類Black tiger shrimp 草蝦Pen m 3
Shrimp, Crab and Shellfish 蝦、蟹、貝類Black tiger shrimp 草蝦Pen m 4
Shrimp, Crab and Shellfish 蝦、蟹、貝類Venus clam 蛤Rud spp.
Fish 魚類Atlantic herring 鯡魚Clu h
Fish 魚類Atlantic herring 鯡魚Clu h 1
Fish 魚類Carp 鯉魚Cyp c 1
Fish 魚類Atlantic cod 鱈魚Gad m
Fish 魚類Atlantic cod 鱈魚Gad m 2+3
Fish 魚類Atlantic cod 鱈魚Gad m 1
Fish 魚類Thornback ray 鰩魚Raj c
Fish 魚類Thornback ray 鰩魚Raj c Parvalbumin
Fish 魚類Salmon 鮭魚Sal s
Fish 魚類Salmon 鮭魚Sal s 1
Fish 魚類Atlantic mackerel 鯖魚Sco s
Fish 魚類Atlantic mackerel 鯖魚Sco s 1
Fish 魚類Tuna 鮪魚Thu a
Fish 魚類Tuna 鮪魚Thu a 1
Fish 魚類Swordfish 劍旗魚Xip g 1
Vegetables 蔬菜Onion 洋蔥All c
Vegetables 蔬菜Garlic 大蒜All s
Vegetables 蔬菜Celery 芹菜Api g 1
Vegetables 蔬菜Celery 芹菜Api g 2
Vegetables 蔬菜Celery 芹菜Api g 6
Vegetables 蔬菜Carott胡蘿蔔Dau c
Vegetables 蔬菜Carott胡蘿蔔Dau c 1
Vegetables 蔬菜Avocado 酪梨Pers a
Vegetables 蔬菜Potato 馬鈴薯Sol t
Vegetables 蔬菜Tomato 蕃茄Sola l
Vegetables 蔬菜Tomato 蕃茄Sola l 6
Fruits 水果Kiwi 奇異果Act d 1
Fruits 水果Kiwi 奇異果Act d 2
Fruits 水果Kiwi 奇異果Act d 5
Fruits 水果Kiwi 奇異果Act d 10
Fruits 水果Papaya 木瓜Car p
Fruits 水果Orange 橙Cit s
Fruits 水果Melon 甜瓜Cuc m 2
Fruits 水果Fig 無花果Fic c
Fruits 水果Strawberry 草莓Fra a 1+3
Fruits 水果Apple 蘋果Mal d 1
Fruits 水果Apple 蘋果Mal d 2
Fruits 水果Apple 蘋果Mal d 3
Fruits 水果Mango 芒果Man i
Fruits 水果Banana 香蕉Mus a
Fruits 水果Cherry 櫻桃Pru av
Fruits 水果Peach 桃Pru p 3
Fruits 水果Peach 桃Pru p 7
Fruits 水果Pear 梨Pyr c
Fruits 水果Blueberry 藍莓Vac m
Fruits 水果Grape 葡萄Vit v 1
Spices 香料Paprika 紅甜椒粉Cap a
Spices 香料Caraway 凱莉茴香/葛縷子Car c
Spices 香料Oregano 奧勒岡葉Ori v
Spices 香料Parsley 巴西里Pet c
Spices 香料Anise 大茴香Pim a
Spices 香料Mustard 芥末籽Sin
Spices 香料Mustard 芥末籽Sin a 1
Meat 肉類Beef 牛肉Bos d_meat
Meat 肉類Beef 牛肉Bos d 6
Meat 肉類Horse meat 馬肉Equ c_meat
Meat 肉類Chicken meat 雞肉Gal d_meat
Meat 肉類Turkey 火雞肉Mel g
Meat 肉類Rabbit meat 兔肉Ory_meat
Meat 肉類Sheep meat 羊肉Ovi a_meat
Meat 肉類Pork 豬肉Sus d_meat
Meat 肉類Pork 豬肉Sus d 1
Cockroachs 蟑螂German cockroach 德國蟑螂Bla g 1
Cockroachs 蟑螂German cockroach 德國蟑螂Bla g 2
Cockroachs 蟑螂German cockroach 德國蟑螂Bla g 4
Cockroachs 蟑螂German cockroach 德國蟑螂Bla g 5
Cockroachs 蟑螂German cockroach 德國蟑螂Bla g 9
Cockroachs 蟑螂American cockroach 美洲蟑螂Per a
Cockroachs 蟑螂American cockroach 美洲蟑螂Per a 7
Honey Bee & Wasp Venoms 蜂毒Honey bee venom 蜜蜂Api m
Honey Bee & Wasp Venoms 蜂毒Honey bee venom 蜜蜂Api m 1
Honey Bee & Wasp Venoms 蜂毒Honey bee venom 蜜蜂Api m 10
Honey Bee & Wasp Venoms 蜂毒Long-headed wasp venom 長頭胡蜂Dol spp
Honey Bee & Wasp Venoms 蜂毒Paper wasp venom 造紙胡蜂Pol d
Honey Bee & Wasp Venoms 蜂毒Paper wasp venom 造紙胡蜂Pol d 5
Honey Bee & Wasp Venoms 蜂毒Common wasp venom 黃胡蜂Ves v
Honey Bee & Wasp Venoms 蜂毒Common wasp venom 黃胡蜂Ves v 1
Honey Bee & Wasp Venoms 蜂毒Common wasp venom 黃胡蜂Ves v 5
Ant Venoms & Ticks 蟻毒、蜱蟲Fire ant venom 紅火蟻Sol spp.
Ant Venoms & Ticks 蟻毒、蜱蟲Pigeon tick 鴿銳緣蜱Arg r 1
Latex & Ficus 乳膠、垂榕Latex 乳膠Hev b 1
Latex & Ficus 乳膠、垂榕Latex 乳膠Hev b 3
Latex & Ficus 乳膠、垂榕Latex 乳膠Hev b 5
Latex & Ficus 乳膠、垂榕Latex 乳膠Hev b 6.02
Latex & Ficus 乳膠、垂榕Latex 乳膠Hev b 8
Latex & Ficus 乳膠、垂榕Latex 乳膠Hev b 11
Latex & Ficus 乳膠、垂榕Weeping fig 垂榕Fic b
Edible Insects 食用昆蟲Mealworm 麵包蟲Ten m
Edible Insects 食用昆蟲Migratory locust 飛蝗Loc m
Edible Insects 食用昆蟲House cricket 家蟋蟀Ach d
Hom s Lactoferrin 乳鐵蛋白 CCDHom s lactoferrin 乳鐵蛋白Hom s LF


1.不需空腹 抽血5ml.


300項急性過敏原檢測 IgE ALEX2® 過敏測試